Design predictions for 2017

“Befallen”… a nostalgia-filled, sorrowful word that – tempering the seasonal eggnog exuberance and penguins in bobble hats – is only really acceptable at this time of year. And, accordingly, it’s everywhere. The year-in-review editorials are belittered with it. And fair enough, perhaps, as 2016 is a year that’s seen its fair share of drama, disaster and tragedy befall a great many.

Indeed, this was a year in which the entire world order seems to have shifted. And while some are simply happy to wave goodbye to this annus horribilis (another December-specific phrase), others are cautious with their optimism that 2017 will be any better. Well, bah humbug to that. There are in fact lots of reasons to be cheerful about the future, and many have to do with the wonderful fix-it mentality of designers.

There is hope that by the end of 2017 we might be looking back on a year of positive change and creative inspiration. Here is some of the good news currently sailing over the horizon:

The war on plastic
Some wars are worth having, and in this case no bombs are necessary, just great new ideas from fresh young talents. Addressing some of the big problems arising from our consumerist way of life, Dutch product designer Dave Hakkens has a vision of a sustainable self-sufficient world where consumers don’t have to worry about the provenance or impact of their purchases.

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